
Looking for inspiration

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The first 100 days before the first 100days. Aka the first 200 days.

So having read lots of information on the importance and significance of the first 100 days of leadership. They said that Franklin D. Roosevelt accomplished so much in his first 100 days that this became the benchmark to be measured by. Lots has been written about Barack Obama and the 100 day course that steered the US administration away from the Bush era here.
I am in the fortunate position of knowing I am starting on the 1st September 2015 in my first Headship and so because I am already in the process of thinking about the first 100 days, I thought I would draft a blog about the ‘pre’ first 100 days. So perhaps it should be titled the first 200 days. On Friday 27thFebruary there will be 85 working days in my present school until I finish, but there is lots to complete and prepare for my successor and lots to learn from the interim Head at my new school.
This Friday I am meeting with the Interim Head, in London Waterloo station, and so I will be learning first-hand about the (I will call it the target school) target school. I am still hoping to complete my NPQH by September 2015 and will be using the target school as my second placement school. I am really grateful that I will have the opportunity to get in and work at the target school, legitimately, and put into effect some leadership control, without actually being the Head. It’s a unique opportunity, to my mind anyway, but I would be happy to hear of others who are in the same boat @simonstevo
I have asked for a copy of the improvement plan and will need to prepare some key questions for the meeting. Staff morale? Staff profile? New staff? Quality of teaching (a second opinion other than the outgoing Head’s)? Pupil numbers? Resources? Learner needs? Other impacts on the school from the outside? Current issues? Finances? Perhaps that’s too much but it is exciting to consider. I don’t feel daunted.
Anyway I will update on this blog at various times and share any key findings and experiences. I will be visiting for 2 days in March and will start a project in the target school to report on, for my NPQH, but it will help me establish myself working with the new team of staff at the target school in shaping my vision and establishing my ethos for learning and leadership.



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